Why a Foundation – POV 2008

Why a Foundation – POV 2008

Why a Foundation?

The Northshore School District has a well-deserved reputation for academic excellence, consistently producing some of the highest standardized test scores in the state. However, the reality is that there is an education-funding crisis affecting the district and our community.

State funds for K-12 education have decreased due to inflation since the early 1990s, and the cost of educating students for the 21st-century job market is becoming increasingly expensive. Local levies, which were originally intended to enhance basic education provided by the state, are now being used to cover operating costs. To make matters worse, there is a state-imposed limit on the amount a school district can raise from local levies.

While it may seem like the Legislature increased funding for schools last year, most of the new funds were tied to specific programs, leaving Northshore with a budget shortfall.

That’s where the Northshore Public Education Foundation (NPEF) comes in. Founded in 1995 by a group of committed parents and community leaders, NPEF is a 501(c)(3) organization that exists to enhance learning opportunities for all Northshore students. The Foundation operates independently of the Northshore School District and is funded solely by private contributions.

NPEF focuses on achieving academic excellence, supporting teacher innovation and training, and helping all students succeed. The Foundation provides funding for projects and programs that would not otherwise be funded, such as literacy and math programs, science kits, specialized science and history books, safety equipment, and classroom grants.

Over the past two years, NPEF has provided science kits for every elementary school, science and history books for every elementary school, safety equipment for secondary science classrooms, and science textbooks for secondary schools. Nearly $50,000 in classroom grants has also been awarded to teachers for programs in science, literacy, and history.

This fall, the Foundation distributed $90,000 to elementary and secondary schools for literacy and math programs. The goal for this year is to support elementary math enhancement, secondary enrichment, and classroom grants.

By supporting NPEF, we can help bridge the gap and ensure that our students continue to receive a first-class education. The Foundation website offers a “DONATE NOW” link, as well as information about why our school district needs our help and ways to volunteer. Imagine the difference we could make if every Northshore family donated $200 to NPEF on an annual basis.

Our school district is a core asset to our community, and we need to continue to support it. Let’s come together to ensure that every Northshore student has access to the best possible education.