Ahna Machan has joined our team

Ahna Machan has joined our team

The Northshore Schools Foundation is excited to introduce our newest staff member Ahna Machan who has joined our team as our Development Director.

Ahna comes to us with a passion for promoting education, a desire to be in service to her local community and a history of success in raising funds and building organizations.

Her non-profit experience working with large international organizations such as the American Jewish World Service, The Carter Center, CARE USA and the American Cancer Society brings a global perspective to our organization. Partnered with her Master’s Degree in Whole Systems Design from Antioch University, she brings the ability to help us design and lead change in a systematic way allowing us to grow to more effectively serve the students and teachers in or district.

Her passion for children and learning has been demonstrated in her work with organizations like Right to Play and The Global Fund for Children where she has increased the effectiveness of fundraising efforts and has been a critical part of building infrastructure to meet the growing needs in a community.

And to balance it out, she’s also had the experience of being in a small shop like ours, where everyone pulls together and does a little of everything.  In her role as Executive Director of the AGC Education Foundation, she was the chief fundraiser/development director.   In her work partnering with Seattle Public Schools, she not only increased opportunities for students to have real-life experiences and exposure to skilled trades but also increased funding by 242 percent.

Outside of development work, Ahna is also an Integrative Coach, Educator, and Yoga teacher (She’s even taught yoga at the Northshore Senior Center) where she helps people mobilize their inner resources to live healthy, happy, holistic lives.

We are thrilled to have her join our team.   Her passion and playfulness are a great fit for our team and her experience blesses us with much-needed resources for our growing foundation.

Her job will be focused on improving the Foundation’s strategic fundraising efforts by designing, implementing, evaluating and refining our current development activities.  Her presence will help us build collaborative relationships with the District and other partners to tackle larger initiatives and affect sustainable change and improvement by coordinating joint solicitation efforts, developing internal processes and procedures, and aligning marketing and outreach efforts for multiple development programs and initiatives within our community.

Our work at the Foundation is growing. The board has set some pretty audacious goals for 2025 and adding Ahna to the team is an important part of our ability to make those dreams a reality.

Thank you for welcoming Ahna to our team.  She is part-time and can be reached at Ahna@nsdfoundation.org.   She will be at our upcoming All in for Kids Events, including the Gala.   I can’t wait for you to meet her.

All My Best,





Executive Director, Northshore Schools Foundation
