Update to Basic Needs Aid Donors

Update to Basic Needs Aid Donors

Basic Needs Aid Update April 1, 2020.

You have made such a difference for a Northshore family. Thank you so much for contributing right away to Basic Needs Aid.

When we started this fund, we never in a million years fathomed that donors would be able to help so many families. Honestly, we were hoping we would never have to. But the need we are hearing about now from Northshore school families is unprecedented.

“Family was having difficulties before the school shut down…

“Mom had two part-time jobs but has been laid off due to closures…

“Dad’s work hours have been cut in half and she is the only one in the household with a job…

“Family lost access to free food when a parent lost their job at the restaurant…


These are words we never wanted to hear. 

But thanks to your support, these families and 154 other families have food on their table tonight.

We don’t know what the future will bring. Things are changing rapidly. But with your support, we will continue to offer resources to every family nominated. And we will continue to send you regular updates about how you are helping Northshore families.

If you know of a family in need, please contact their school’s principal to make the nomination for help.  Requests are confidential.

For more information contact Carmin Dalziel, Executive Director Northshore Schools Foundation – 206-409-3507 carmin@nsdfoundation.org


To make a donation to support basic needs aid: Donate here.