Our ’24-’25 Removing Barriers Sponsors

Removing Barrier Sponsors

What is Removing Barriers? It’s one of the Foundation’s three pillars! It’s a GOOD thing for Northshore students! We believe that all students deserve the opportunity to achieve academic growth

We want to Remove Barriers in education, year-round!

Northshore Schools Foundation believes that every student has the potential to succeed, but not all have the resources they need to thrive. That’s why we’re committed to removing these barriers

Recap of 2024 Backpacks for Kids School Supply Drive

Recap of Backpacks for Kids Northshore Schools Foundation

We did it! We helped Remove Barriers!  The Foundation is thrilled to have hosted another successful Backpacks for Kids School Supply Drive, supporting Northshore students in need. For the past

Stoup Brewing’s Beer-B-Q: To Benefit Removing Barrier’s Program

Stoup Brewing Northshore Schools Foundation

We’re enthusiastic! Stoup Brewing in Kenmore is hosting their summer Beer-B-Q and raffle to support the Northshore Schools Foundation’s Removing Barriers Program.  About Stoup Brewing   “Stoup Kenmore provides a

Summertime Dineouts: Let’s feast for GOOD!

Northshore Schools Foundation Summertime dineouts

Northshore Schools Foundation is proud to announce three summertime dineouts! Throughout the sunny months, enjoy something delicious at a restaurant on a specific date, and a portion of the food-only

2024 GiveBIG: Get that GIVING feeling!

Be apart of something GOOD!  GiveBIG is Washington State’s largest online fundraising campaign! It’s where individuals and organizations come together across Washington to invest in our communities, Tuesday May 7

May is Music Month: Enjoy Free Concerts by Northshore Student Musicians!

Let’s Celebrate Music in Northshore! May isn’t just another month on the calendar—it’s a vibrant celebration of music education and appreciation. Throughout this month, we will come together to recognize