Our 2024 Collection Sites & Local Events

Backpacks for Kids

Our 2024 Collection Sites & Local Events

Northshore Schools Foundation is gearing up for our annual Backpacks for Kids School Supply Drive this August. We’ve been doing this for the past 5 years and anticipate over 800 requests. We want to be able to say yes to all of them! 

You can support us by dropping school supplies at a local event we’re attending or at one of our public collection sites.  Your contributions help ensure Northshore families who are experiencing financial hardship start the school year with the tools they need. 

We’re proud to have 30 sites within Northshore this year! Thank you to hosts, they are a vital part of this event and making it a success.

Backpacks for Kids Collection Sites 2024 Northshore Schools Foundation


Donate new school supplies at one of these sites from July 1 – August 2 during their business hours. Look for our signature red bins!  

Woodinville locations 

Bothell locations 

Kenmore locations 



Keep an eye out for our team in red t-shirts and signature red bins! 



Here is what we’re looking for:

  • Fun, Colorful backpacks for K-5 students 
  • Sturdy & larger backpacks for 6-12 grade students 
  • Crayons  
  • Glue sticks  
  • Markers (fine & wide) and highlighters  
  • Blunt tip scissors  
  • Pencils, colored pencils, and erasers 



Did you know: 

$25 = 1 Backpacks Northshore Schools Foundation

Click here to make a monetary digital donation! 



Big THANK YOU to our Backpacks for Kids volunteers, supporters, collection site hosts, and community partners!  

Big THANK YOU to ThermoFisher, Cornerstone General Contractors, Lockheed Martin, Amy Cast, TeamLogic IT, American Water Damage Restoration, Kate Dick, Bhindeshi Members, and Girl Scout Bothell Day Camp for hosting private supply drives!

Big THANK YOU to The Cottage, Junction Apartments, and The POP Apartments for displaying a poster for digital donations!

Big SHOUT OUT to our Removing Barrier Sponsors. Without them, we couldn’t do our service work! 

Removing Barrier Sponsors

It is not too late to host a red bin and poster at your location or run an employee-only drive! Interested? Email Kimm: kimm@nsdfoundation.org  

Together, we can be All In for Kids!