Other Ways to Get Involved

What does it look like?

Getting involved with the Foundation means becoming a catalyst for positive change for Northshore students, educators, and classrooms.

Through coordinated efforts or partnerships, whether short-term or long-term, you can contribute to our service work to directly benefit the Northshore community.

Past examples of involvement are:

  • Being a guest speaker at our in-person events
  • Offering us nonprofit discounts on purchases
  • Showcasing our service work on your marketing and media channels
  • Allowing us to have an information table and/or designated space at a physical event or gallery
  • Writing news articles about the Foundation’s service and events for your media outlets
  • Giving us the opportunity to present about our service work to your team at a staff meeting
  • Hosting our appreciation events for our staff, volunteers, and Board members
  • Connecting us with like-minded non-profits, individuals, and businesses

Are you looking to get involved with Northshore Schools Foundation? Let’s chat and see how we can be better together, email: info@nsdfoundation.org

Our Current Partners & Membership

Our current partners and membership include local businesses, media outlets, community organizations, and nonprofits. By partnering with us or welcoming us as a member, your support will have a direct and meaningful impact on our service work.

Past examples of our partnerships and membership:

  • Raise funds | Woodinville Chamber of Commerce generously dedicated their 2024 Raise the Paddle to our Removing Barriers in Education programs. This helps us support Northshore students in need when an unexpected hardship occurs.
  • Provide voice | Bothell-Kenmore Chamber of Commerce allows us to speak at their monthly networking breakfasts. We can meet with new businesses and individuals and informed them about our fundraisers and mission.
  • Give an In-kind Donation | Liberty Roads Foundation donates supplies annually to our Backpacks for Kids drive. This demonstrates how one like-minded nonprofit can support another in achieving their mission.
  • Help us support | Northshore Rotary allows us to distribute books at their annual Santa Breakfast for Northshore families in need. We can connect with families and students who may need our services and resources.
  • Showcase our events | Bothell-Kenmore Reporter has detailed on past annual events. Awareness of our service work within the local community has now been achieved.

Becoming our partner, or providing your membership to the Foundation, highlights your commitment to supporting Northshore schools, classrooms, students, and the broader community. If you believe we could work well together as a partner or are seeking new members, let’s connect! Email: info@nsdfoundation.org


We are proud to be a member of the Bothell Kenmore Chamber of Commerce, Woodinville Chamber of Commerce and National School Foundation Association.


  • Northshore School District
  • Northshore Wall of Honor
  • Scholarship Foundation of Northshore
  • Northshore Rotary
  • Northshore Council PTSA
  • Northshore YMCA
  • Kiwanis of Northshore
  • Woodinville Rotary
  • Jaimeson Jones Scholarship Fund
  • Tiranga
  • Clothes for Kids
  • Liberty Road Foundation
  • Kinder Konnection
  • Woodinville Fire Fighter Benevolent Fund

Local media support

  • Woodinville Weekly
  • Bothell Kenmore Reporter
  • Bothell Blog
  • King5 News
  • KIRO7