Northshore Student Resources – Fall 2020

Northshore Student Resources – Fall 2020

Student Resources

School Supplies:
If your child(ren) needs school supplies this year, The Northshore Schools Foundation is happy to provide them. To request, supplies fill out the form at this link and we will make arrangements to provide school supplies as soon as items are available:

If your child(ren) needs books to read your community is happy to provide them. To request books, Fill out the form at this link:

If your family needs resources for food, please visit:

Crisis/ Opportunity Funding:
If you or your family are experiencing a crisis, or your student has financial barriers to fully participating in school activities, please contact your school’s CARE TEAM or a member of the main office staff. The Northshore Schools Foundation is offering funding support in the form of Opportunity funds and basic needs aid funds, which can be accessed by your school administrators.


Threads and Treads provides Northshore families free, quality donated clothing for school-age youth, teens, young adults, and parents.  All NSD families in need of clothing assistance are welcome to shop each month for 3-5 outfits and school event attire.  We are open every Wednesday from 3-6 pm.  More information at

Other Resources:
This comprehensive resource offers access to a wide variety of resources:

For more information contact Heather Erickson, Removing Barriers Coordinator at

Recursos para estudiantes(via google translate)

Suministros escolares:
Si su (s) hijo (s) necesita útiles escolares este año, The Northshore Schools Foundation se complace en proporcionárselos. Para solicitar suministros, complete el formulario en este enlace y haremos los arreglos para proporcionar los útiles escolares tan pronto como estén disponibles:

Si su (s) hijo (s) necesita libros para leer, su comunidad se complacerá en proporcionárselos. Para solicitar libros, complete el formulario en este enlace:

Si su familia necesita recursos para la alimentación, visite:

Financiamiento de crisis / oportunidades:
Si usted o su familia están experimentando una crisis, o su estudiante tiene barreras financieras para participar plenamente en las actividades escolares, comuníquese con el EQUIPO DE CARE de su escuela o con un miembro del personal de la oficina principal. La Northshore Schools Foundation ofrece apoyo financiero en forma de fondos de oportunidad y fondos de ayuda para necesidades básicas, a los que pueden acceder los administradores de su escuela.


Threads and Treads ofrece a las familias de Northshore ropa gratuita y de calidad donada para jóvenes en edad escolar, adolescentes, adultos jóvenes y padres. Todas las familias de NSD que necesiten ayuda con la ropa son bienvenidas a comprar cada mes 3-5 trajes y vestimenta para eventos escolares. Abrimos todos los miércoles de 3 a 6 pm. Más información en

Otros recursos:
Este recurso integral ofrece acceso a una amplia variedad de recursos:

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Heather Erickson, Coordinadora de Eliminación de Barreras en

Resursy dlya studentov (via google translate)

Shkol’nyye prinadlezhnosti:
Yesli vashemu rebenku (detyam) ponadobyatsya shkol’nyye prinadlezhnosti v etom godu, The Northshore Schools Foundation s radost’yu predostavit ikh. Chtoby zaprosit’ prinadlezhnosti, zapolnite formu po etoy ssylke, i my pozabotimsya o predostavlenii shkol’nykh prinadlezhnostey, kak tol’ko oni poyavyatsya:

Yesli vashemu rebenku (detyam) nuzhny knigi dlya chteniya, vashe soobshchestvo s radost’yu predostavit ikh. Chtoby zaprosit’ knigi, zapolnite formu po etoy ssylke:

Yesli vashey sem’ye nuzhny resursy dlya yedy, posetite:

Krizisnoye / al’ternativnoye finansirovaniye:
Yesli vy ili vasha sem’ya perezhivayete krizis ili u vashego uchenika yest’ finansovyye prepyatstviya dlya polnotsennogo uchastiya v shkol’nykh meropriyatiyakh, pozhaluysta, svyazhites’ s komandoy CARE vashey shkoly ili s sotrudnikom glavnogo ofisa. Fond Northshore Schools Foundation predlagayet finansovuyu podderzhku v vide fondov Opportunity i fondov pomoshchi na osnovnyye nuzhdy, k kotorym mogut poluchit’ dostup administratory vashey shkoly.


Threads and Treads predostavlyayet sem’yam Northshore besplatnuyu kachestvennuyu podarennuyu odezhdu dlya molodezhi shkol’nogo vozrasta, podrostkov, molodykh lyudey i roditeley. Vse sem’i NRD, nuzhdayushchiyesya v pomoshchi s odezhdoy, mogut kazhdyy mesyats delat’ pokupki 3-5 naryadov i naryadov dlya shkol’nykh meropriyatiy. My otkryty kazhduyu sredu s 15 do 18 chasov. Dopolnitel’naya informatsiya na

Drugiye istochniki:
Etot vseob”yemlyushchiy resurs predlagayet dostup k shirokomu spektru resursov:

Dlya polucheniya dopolnitel’noy informatsii svyazhites’ s Khizer Erikson, koordinatorom po ustraneniyu bar’yerov, po adresu

Northshore Schools Foundation is a local 501(c)3 non-profit serving students and teachers in the Northshore School District, located in the communities of Bothell, Kenmore, and Woodinville. Since 1995, Northshore Schools Foundation donors have funded more than $2.7 million in grants to benefit the district’s students and teachers. To learn more, visit