Local Business – We are here for you

Local Business – We are here for you

Hello Friends,

I am reaching out today to say, we are here in solidarity with you during this tumultuous time.

As you know we have been working diligently to make sure that our Northshore students and families have what they need to be successful in this remote world.

Everyone has been doing their best to make do, but when the latest COVID-19 restrictions were announced we were devasted to think of how you and your business, and your employees may be affected. A nonprofit like ours would never be successful without the support of business’s like yours. There have been so many times that you have been there for us and our students and we are eternally grateful.

If during these next few months, we can do anything to support you, we really want the opportunity to do so. We will be ramping up promotions for the businesses that have been supporting us by doing more social media and email communication to keep our audience informed and actively involved in supporting you.

It’s not much, but we want to do what we can.

As you navigate the next few months, please share with us any promotions or information with me or Julie our Communications Manager and we will do our best to get it out to our audience. Also feel free to tag us on any social media and we will reshare as we can. If there is anything else you think we can do to support you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thinking of you and hoping for a thriving future.

Carmin Dalziel
Executive Director, Northshore Schools Foundation

Julie Barrett
Communications Manager

P.S. If your employees need any resources we have started to share this out as a comprehensive reference for support: https://resources.parenthelp123.org Please share it as appropriate And if you have Northshore families in your circle please make sure they are aware of resources available to them at https://www.northshoreschoolsfoundation.org/northshore-student-resources-fall-2020