Dear Foundation Supporter,

We hope this note finds you and yours healthy and positive during this tumultuous year where everything seems to being turning out differently.

We now know that the restrictions from the third wave of the pandemic will not only change how we celebrate the holidays but also have economic impacts for many in our Northshore community.  With your continued support, we’re committed to continuing to help struggling students, teachers, and families in need.  That’s one thing that definitely won’t change.

THANKS for your generosity and support, the Foundation has been able to help our Northshore community of 23,000+ students through many of the struggles from COVID-19.  Because of our caring, we were able to:

  • Provide $130,000 in grocery cards in less than 90 days last spring
  • Distribute over 3,000 requests for basic school supplies this fall
  • Fulfill $6,000 of requests for Basic Needs Aid and the Opportunity Fun

And although the Foundation was able to respond, it left a gap in our operational funds, one that wouldn’t be there once our Endowment is fully funded. Reaching our goal of $5 million will mean that 100% of every dollar raised goes directly for programs and services. With your continued support and belief in our mission, we’re confident we’ll reach our goal.

Another thing that won’t change during this Holiday Season is our big thanks and appreciation for your continued support of students, teachers, and their families through the Northshore Schools Foundation – not just this year but for many prior years. Your commitment to our community goes far beyond dollars and cents. It is making a true impact for students without the basics to focus and learn, people who are losing jobs from the pandemic, children learning from a distance, and struggling families.

As 2020 is ending, we want to share a few topics to consider this year in your charitable giving. The pandemic also has changed things in this area, offering a few special tax advantages for 2020.

1. The CARES Act 

There have been significant changes (via the CARES Act) to charitable giving this year and our friends over a Fidelity Charitable even say 2020 is an especially good year to give. Why? Take a look at their informative article HERE. 

2. Gifts of appreciated stock 

Making a gift of stock can be an efficient and effective way to donate more to support those in need and a tax-smart way to give.  If you have a stock that has appreciated for more than a year, you are actually giving 20 percent more than if you sold the stock and made a cash donation to a nonprofit because you avoid capital gains taxes. Our Northshore Legacy site outlines how to give stocks and securities:

3. An Estate Plan 

The end of the year often brings a time of reflection on all that’s happened in the last 12 months – the good, the bad, everything – and as such, one area of reflection should be your Estate Plan. The biggest question most folks ask is if a Will or a Trust is better for their financial situation? The short answer: it depends. Not the most helpful answer, but everyone has their own set of unique circumstances that may make one more advantageous than the other. One of our local Credit Unions, BECU, has a helpful article to figure out which option would be best for you. You can reach more HERE.

Additionally, the end of the year also brings reflection on our WHY – why we do what we do, what motivates us, how we get through life. Taking a moment to sit down and evaluate your own personal or family values is a wonderful activity to take part in. Reason being, every decision you make has some sort of motivation behind it, whether it’s conscious or subconscious, and knowing your values (and applying them) allows you to make decisions that are right for you. There’s a wonderful guide to figuring out your values by Scott Jeffrey and you can find it HERE.

As you close out 2020, would you consider giving some of your charitable dollars this year to the Northshore Schools Foundation Endowment? Your donation allows us to continue our operations and serve the wonderful Northshore Community. To donate, please CLICK HERE. Thank you for considering us.

Stay safe and healthy.

With much gratitude and warm wishes,  


Brittany Slater & Becky Birch

Endowment Committee Co-chairs & Northshore Legacy Believer

P.S.  Please join us on December 7th, 7pm for the latest in our Legacy Series – Spreading Joy in 2020.
Reserve your space here:

P.P.S.  If you haven’t already, you may want to check out the special Chef Anne Marie Meals that are happening every month.    Thanks to an underwriter, 100% of the ticket price goes directly to our students.  More information at:

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