Kenmore Press Release

Kenmore Press Release

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                       
September 16, 2021

City of Kenmore Contact:
Lauren Chomiak

Northshore Schools Foundation Contact:
Carmin Dalziel

City of Kenmore launches in partnership with Northshore Schools Foundation to distribute $1 million in ARPA direct cash assistance to low-income residents

The City of Kenmore has partnered with the Northshore Schools Foundation to assist with distributing $1 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) direct cash assistance to low-income residents. The website is now accepting applications for residents who have a household income at or below 30% of the King County area median income (AMI) and have experienced negative economic impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic.

On May 24, 2021 City Council voted to direct $1 million of ARPA funds for direct cash assistance to the approximately 2,600 Kenmore residents whose income is at or below 30% of the AMI.

“The Kenmore City Council knows that our lowest income residents have been some of the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. This program is one way we are supporting our community and helping individuals and households get back on their feet. We know that some of these funds will be used for rent, which will help landlords who are also struggling due to the pandemic,” said Kenmore Mayor David Baker.

“We are eager to get these federal funds disbursed quickly and have made the application process simple and straightforward. To be eligible, you must live in Kenmore, have been impacted by the pandemic, and meet the income criteria. We are calling on our community to help us spread the word about this assistance to all Kenmore residents in need,” added Stephanie Lucash, Assistant City Manager/American Rescue Plan Act Administrator for the City of Kenmore.

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is a federal law that was signed into effect in March to provide $1.9 trillion to help the U.S. respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The City of Kenmore will receive a total of $6.4 million in ARPA funds in two payments: the first half was received earlier this year and the remainder will be received in mid-2022.

Learn more about ARPA funds and Kenmore at: