Email templates for All In for Kids fundraiser hosts

Email templates for All In for Kids fundraiser hosts

Thanks for hosting an All In for Kids 2023 fundraiser! Below please find templates you can customize and send to your guests.

Invitation Email

Dear {NAME},

I am excited to share with you that I am a Host for this year’s spring All In for Kids campaign for Northshore School Foundation! The 2023 All In for Kids campaign is the foundation’s reimagined fundraiser made up of a season of fundraising events, hosted by members of the community – including myself!

I hope you will join me on {DATE} for {ACTIVITY. ex, drinks, dinner,} to support Northshore School Foundation. There is no cost to register! This will be a fun, intimate way to learn more about the organization’s mission, but also for me to host an event for my close friends and family!

Here are the details:

{Event Type – brunch, drinks, happy hour, picnic, etc}




Northshore School Foundation is a vital part of our Northshore community. At my event {party/picnic/happy hour}, you will hear impactful stories that will improve your understanding of the foundation and how it helps meet needs of Northshore students and teachers. You will be asked to support Northshore School Foundation. Everyone is in different places in their lives, so we will be asked to make our very best gift! Please know that 100% of the funds we raise together will support students with help when they ask for it.

I look forward to hearing that you will be joining me. If you cannot attend, no worries – You can still support Northshore School Foundation with a donation on the foundation Web site here:

You can also give stock or from a donor advised fund. Call Carol Ryan for how to give assets, 206-419-1456.


{Your Name}

Thank you for RSVPing

Dear {NAME}, Thank you RSVPing to attend my fundraising event for All In for Kids to support Northshore School Foundation! Please note that I will be sending you reminder emails with directions and parking information. Looking forward to sharing an impactful time with you. Warmly, {Salutation} {Your Name}

Reminder emails

Thank you

1. Donating but not attending

Dear {NAME}, Thank you for your support of students and teachers through Northshore School Foundation. Your generous donation of AMOUNT on DATE gives the help needed when it’s requested. As a result, lives are changed and our community is able to thrive! Thank you for your support.

Donate to the foundation here:

{Your Name}

P.S. Even if you are unable to attend my event, you can still attend the All In for Kids celebration event at 4-6 pm Thursday, March 30, at Evergreen Church. To register, click this link:

2. Attending

Dear {NAME},

Thank you for attending my All In for Kids fundraising event! I hope you enjoyed learning more about Northshore Schools Foundation and its impact. I am so appreciative of you and this caring community we share.

I hope you can join me for the All In for Kids celebration event at 4-6 pm Thursday, March 30, at Evergreen Church. If you have already given to the campaign, thank you! This event will be a fun celebration of the success of the campaign. To register for the celebration, click this link: