Community & District Response Fund Update

Community & District Response Fund Update

Here we are a year plus some, and I wanted to reach back out to you to give you an update about how your donations to the Community & District Response Fund were put to work in the district.

The Foundation’s Community & District Response Fund was developed as a partnership tool between our district and the community to collect and distribute funds in times of need.  The fund was activated in March 2020, launched for its very first time in response to COVID-19.

You created a pool of dollars that provided several bridges of support during the past year.

Within days of the second school shut down, the district approached us to request we provide assistance to those who needed childcare immediately in order to support their family.  Because of your generosity, we were able to say yes.  Those families received assistance right away – weeks before federal aid came through. And your support helped families in our community who did not meet federal criteria for assistance but desperately needed the support anyway.

Next, we simply asked our teachers and staff what they needed, and if we could, we just provided it. No grant process, no red tape, just immediate response so they could focus on teaching. Donations funded requests for things like desks for teaching from home, document cameras, headphones, items for at-home teaching, and things that brought hope and joy to our students.

Next, we looked to tackle the cost of the internet for families who were not able to afford it.  The Foundation covered unexpected internet bills before local companies like T-Mobile and Comcast stepped up to offer free services for families who qualified. Companies like Boeing stepped up to join you in supporting this crisis here in Northshore and provided funds to underwrite the costs of some internet hotspots, that the district has been providing free of charge, even though they are responsible for the full price of the rental from their provider.

The Foundation has been staying in tune as needs arise and offering support so our district could say yes right away. Time and time again, federal funds eventually came through and we had the opportunity to redirect the funds again.

As school buildings have begun to reopen, and students began to reengage, the Foundation was able to designate the remaining funds to group COVID testing for students enrolled in extracurricular activities including drama, football, and other sports.  And while the fund is now depleted, student needs continue. The Foundation just purchased breakaway lanyards for schools requesting them, so students have a way to hold their masks as they return to school.

None of this would have been possible without you.   You are the reason we have been able to say yes to so many things this past year. On behalf of the students and teachers in our district, we sincerely thank you.

Should you have a particular need that you would like to support, please reach out to me.

I appreciate you,

Carmin Dalziel
Executive Director, Northshore Schools Foundation