Build Skills for Life – Volunteer Peer to Peer Opportunity

two teens cooking

Build Skills for Life – Volunteer Peer to Peer Opportunity

Northshore parents, does your high school student have a practical life skill mastered that perhaps their peers have not? If so, we’d like to invite them to film a short Life Skills video to be a resource for our graduating seniors.

In this ever-changing time, we decided to forgo this year’s planned Launch day and instead bulk up our life skills library so it can be accessed by students as they need them.

We know we have a diverse student body with a myriad of skills, so we wanted to tap into that peer-to-peer guidance and highlight some of our own. This volunteer service will count as community service hours if your student needs them, while also providing support to students.

Community Service Opportunity for High School Students | Northshore Schools Foundation.

Videos should focus on a single practical skill that independent young adults need! Examples of helpful topics might include:
• filling a car tire with air or checking the oil
• following directions without using GPS
• making a simple meal and storing leftovers
• how to endorse and deposit a check
• how to address, stamp, and send snail mail
• laundry basics
• making a medical appointment (providing your insurance details, information for filling out forms, etc)
The Foundation is committed to programs to help ensure that students have the skills they need to be productive and engaged citizens after high school. We call this pillar of our work Skills for Life. It includes some well-established initiatives, like Career Day, some evolving programs, like Launch Day.

Topic ideas should be emailed to Alexis Krogh, Foundation Board Member for consideration. We have a great list of 100 life skills that teens need to know on our blog that might fuel ideas for your student.

During March, we’ll keep sharing news about Skills for Life initiatives on social media and in future emails. If you have any questions about what you hear or are interested in supporting the work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Best wishes as you ready for the next version of education for your student,

Carmin Dalziel,
Executive Director, Northshore Schools Foundation
P.S. If you would like to view our videos from 2020 Launch Day, they can be viewed here: