Build Skills for Life 2020 Update

Build Skills for Life 2020 Update

  These are unprecedented times that call for unprecedented efforts.

    COVID 19 has changed the world and brought an amazing opportunity to unlearn, relearn, and innovate education. Our schools are innovating ways to prepare students for futures in a world that has been irrevocably altered. As a community, we need to make sure students are ready for new systems, jobs that don’t exist, and standards of living that ensure equity for all people.

     Northshore Schools Foundation has a long history of focusing on opportunities to engage youth in real-life experiences that prepare them for jobs of the future.  We have been partnering with local companies such as BioLife Solutions, Ontra Marketing Group, Microsoft, and Evergreen Health to improve our Career & Technical Courses (CTE). Together we have brought state of the art equipment like PCP machines, hospital beds, planers, and 3D printers into the classroom.

    When “coding” was predicted to be the number one most needed skill for future jobs, we didn’t just raise awareness. We turned to our community to help make sure every student in the district had the opportunity to be exposed to coding annually through Hour of Code and funded STEM initiatives at all schools.

When the huge disparity in men vs. women in the tech workforce was illuminated, Dr. Reid asked the Foundation to step in and support the “Girls Who Code” movement. With your support, 72 young women had an opportunity to dive deeper into code.

     And when volunteers Mary Drews and Sandy Hayes separately spearheaded Career Days at their schools, the Foundation provided funding so students could be exposed to diverse careers and have the chance to explore their passion.

More recently, we have set our sights on helping seniors “launch” successfully into the next season of life with the “Building Skills for Life program. For the last 3 weeks, the Foundation has hosted virtual workshops that expose graduating seniors to relatable experts that can share practical advice about things they will face as they make the transition into the next stage of their life. The sessions covered everything from personal brand to how to do minor home and auto repair, making a menu and money management tips.

     You can view the entire series here:

     Like you, we want our students to be successful for life beyond the classroom. Our current situation is transforming our world. Building Skills for Life is a dynamic program and a powerful way to prepare students that’s now more important than ever.

     If you want to be a part of our growing efforts to help build skills for life for students, please contact me and I happily will include you on our Build Skills for Life Committee.

     Our work at Northshore Schools Foundation always has, and will be, fueled by you. Your children’s needs. Your support.

     If you want to make a do