Update on our Book Drive

Update on our Book Drive

We are still collecting children’s and young adult books in good condition.  Please no dictionaries, encyclopedias, or textbooks. Contact Books@nsdfoundation.org

In March 2020, a couple of volunteers started a book drive for the students of Northshore.  With school buildings and libraries closed, many students didn’t have access to the wide variety of books needed to build readers.  As the enthusiasm for this project grew, they were able to provide books to the entire district and ultimately got 23,000 books into the hands of students.

As libraries and schools opened back up, the demand for books lessened but did not go away.  We are transitioning to a more focused approach in book deliveries.

Books in the home are the single biggest indicator of academic success — surpassing income, parents’ education, family composition, and all other factors.

61% of America’s low-income children are growing up in homes without books (Reading Literacy in the United States: Findings from the IEA Reading Literacy Study, 1996.).

Middle-income households average 13 books per child (Neuman, S., & Dickinson, D. (Eds.). (2006) Handbook of Early Literacy Research (Vol. 2).

To do well in school, children need to grow up in homes rich with books. (Jeff McQuillan, The Literacy Crisis: False Claims, Real Solutions, 1998).

Academically, children growing up in homes without books are on average three years behind children in homes with lots of books, even when controlled for other key factors such as income and parents’ education.  (M.D.R. Evans et al, “Family scholarly culture and educational success:  Books and schooling in 27 nations”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, June 2010)

We are still collecting children’s and young adult books in good condition.  Please no dictionaries, encyclopedias, or textbooks.

Donate books by contacting Books@nsdfoundation.org or dropping them by our office located at 3330 Monte Villa Parkway.

To request books for a Northshore classroom or project, please contact us at books@nsdfoundation.org