Book Mobile Program – Update May 2021

Book Mobile Program – Update May 2021

The book donation program is no longer active.  We are not accepting books at this time.

As students have returned back to school, they are able to access books in their libraries

Over 20,000 books were delivered to Northshore Students since March 2020 thanks to hundreds of supporters and dozens of volunteers! Thank you Northshore!

This program is intended to continue operating until Libraries and schools are open at full capacity.

kids reading books
The Northshore Book Mobile, started by Sandy Hayes and Jazmin Loreto, was created to make sure that students had access to books even when schools and libraries closed.  In a study by Scholastic Books “Being surrounded by lots and lots of books where they live helps children build vocabulary, increase awareness and comprehension, and expand horizons.”

Over 15,000 books have been delivered to Northshore Students since March thanks to hundreds of supporters and dozens of volunteers!  Thank you, Northshore!

This program is intended to continue operating until libraries and schools are open at full capacity.

Donating Books:  Now accepting all children’s books Pre-K through 12th grade – board books, picture books, chapter books, and teen readers.  – WE ARE NOT COLLECTING BOOKS AT THIS TIME

Or make a financial donation at


Requesting Books:  If your students do not have access to books during COVID-19 closures, please make a request at 

Books will be hand chosen based on your request and delivered with care to your home by volunteers in our community. Please provide complete address information and contact information. We will attempt to let you know we are coming and when we drop books off we will leave them at your door.

You are encouraged to keep the books or pass them to a friend for other children to enjoy. As you need more books, you are able to go back online and fill out another request form.   If you would like to donate your books back, please follow the directions for donating books.

For more information contact