Board Member Resources – 2021-2022

Board Member Resources – 2021-2022

Board Members provide leadership and direction for our wonderful organization

The following is meant as an oversite resource for our board.

Job Description

As a volunteer for the Northshore Schools Foundation, I have a responsibility to ensure that the organization does the best work possible in pursuit of its vision, mission, principles, and values.  I believe in the purpose and the mission of the organization, and I will act responsibly and prudently as its steward and advocate.

As part of my responsibilities as a volunteer, I will commit to the following:  ( All NSDF Volunteers Agree to this) 

  • I will be fully informed about the Foundation’s purpose, goals, objectives, programs, financials and act as an ambassador in our community speaking knowledgeably regarding Foundation initiatives/programs funded and/or supported by the Foundation.
  • I will work to ensure that the Northshore Schools Foundation is an integral part of the community and respected by the district, parents and other partners as an effective fundraising catalyst enhancing the Districts ability to provide innovative learning opportunities that result in exceptional educational outcomes and ensures that all students are ready for success after graduation.
  • I will contribute to the Northshore Schools Foundation in the form of time, talent, and/ or financial gifts.
  • I will act with integrity and keep my word about my commitments.
  • I will respond to correspondence (phone or emails) within 2 working days.
  • I will participate in Foundation activities with the expectation that every involved is committed and adds value to the group.
  • I will represent the Foundation and interact with community members, district staff, and business with graciousness.
  • I will assume the best intent and ask questions to build understanding.
  • I will abide by the policies and procedures outlined in our bylaws and other operating procedures including ethical business practices and conflict of interest policies, whistleblower and confidentiality agreements.

As part of my responsibilities as a board member:

As a member of the Board of Directors of the Northshore Schools Foundation, I have a legal and ethical responsibility to provide fiduciary oversight for the Northshore Schools Foundation and ensure that the organization does the best work possible in pursuit of its goals.

  • I will actively participate in a majority of activities and events sponsored by the Foundation.
  • I will actively participate in board fundraising efforts.
  • I will attend and participate in a majority of the board meetings.
  • I will participate in the annual board retreat.
  • I will serve on at least one committee of the board and act as a leader for a committee or event during each term
  • I will actively monitor funding activity and mission development in at least one of the Foundation’s funding areas.
  • I will attend the fundraising events and serve as a table host, greeter, or in some other capacity in support of the event.
  • I will contribute my time and talent to fundraising activities that may include but are not limited to volunteering, preparation, constituent relations, donor thank you, invitations, etc.
  • I will make a personal financial contribution to the Northshore Schools Foundation at a level that is meaningful to me at or above joining the 365 Club.
  • I will participate in and take responsibility for the development of policies and procedures, strategic plans, and short-term goals that ensure the Northshore School Foundation demonstrates transparency, responsibility, and agility in its business practices.
  • I will participate in and take responsibility for making decisions on issues, policies, and other board matters.

In turn, the organization will be responsible to me in several ways:

  • I will receive a comprehensive orientation helping each volunteer understand the organization’s history, goals, programs, and strategic plan.
  • I will receive without request, timely and accurate program information, allowing me to be as effective as possible.
  • I will receive directors’ and officer’s liability insurance.
  • My time and unique talents will be honored.

If the organization does not fulfill its commitments to me, or if I am unable to fulfill any of the above-stated responsibilities, I can call on the board president and executive director to discuss the matter further to attempt to arrive at an agreeable resolution.

 Bylaws of the Foundation

Bylaws – revised 2013 feb

Fiduciary Responsibility of Board Members

Wa State nonprofit handbook 2018 1-Ws State

Board Wa State quick guide for board service

Nonprofit fraud prevention

Parliamentary Procedure

2- Board Parliamentary-Procedure1

robertsrulesofordercheatsheet (1)

Board Policies

00- Northshore Schools Foundation Employee Handbook updated 2021_08 FINAL

Board Internal Endowment Policy Rev 2-1.doc


Non Discrimination Policy

Records Retention Policy 2020_11 Update


3- Fundraising Developing-board-member-relationships1

Board Referral Form