Update to our Backpacks for Kids Support

Update to our Backpacks for Kids Support

Our business focuses on helping kids succeed in the many activities of daily living. School is one of those activities. Without the tools and supplies to be successful in school, children can fall behind, which affects their confidence, self-esteem, and future success in academics and in life. We’re so grateful to have partnered with the Northshore Schools Foundation for many years, supporting the Backpacks for Kids program so that more children in our community can succeed now, and in the future.  – Diana Khoury – Bothell Pediatric & Hand Therapy

Dear Foundation Friend,

Even though summer is officially here, our minds are already thinking about fall.
Our students are going to need school supplies, and we want to make sure that every student who needs them will have access to them.

As a supporter of students and someone who is passionate about school supplies and backpacks for kids, I wanted to give you a quick update about our 2021 plan.

As you know, last spring and fall we had to pivot to meet the demands of kids learning in a virtual environment. In August we had our first big in-person event and distributed over 1,200 school supply kits directly to students. (Of course, following COVID Protocols). Once school started, we extended our program to serve students all year. Any time they needed supplies, one of our team members delivered a supply kit to them, often to their front door. When learning went to a hybrid classroom/at-home model, our schools reached out and requested 300 backpacks with school supplies for students returning to the classroom.

Thanks to supporters like you, we were able to provide over 1600 students with schools supplies through the 2020/2021 school year.

This year, we do not know what to expect, but our goal is to collect enough backpacks and school supplies to meet the needs of all students and families experiencing financial limitations.

We do know that learning this fall will be back in the classroom. So, we are making some plans and wanted to keep you in the loop.
We are excited to announce that July 19 launches our return to Backpacks for Kids annual drive. We will collect supplies and backpacks through August 13. The big push this year is going to be for backpacks themselves, as our inventory is exceptionally low. Our focus on school supplies will be on crayons, glue sticks, pencils, markers, scissors, colored pencils, pens (red & blue), and highlighters.

We are going to aim our financial donations toward purchasing items such as spiral notebooks, comp books, and pocket folders, allowing us to take advantage of bulk discounts to get the best bang for our buck.

We will be organizing volunteer days in August and coordinating the in-person distribution event before school starts.
Soon we will be announcing the collection sites for backpacks and supplies. We are also working on hosting a few “pop-up” collection events where community members can drop off their donations and meet members of the Foundation team.
We are excited to get back to “normal” in some ways and to see this program continually evolve each year to better serve our students.

I hope you are having a fabulous start to your summer and thank you again for being such a great supporter of kids and this program.


Heather Erickson
Removing Barriers Coordinator
Northshore School Foundation

Mailing Address
13110 NE 177th Place B101-103
Woodinville, WA 98072

P.S. If you would like to request a supply pack  for your student(s) or if you know of a family in need please  complete this form:  https://bit.ly/2TAu0Ij