Be apart of something GOOD!ย 

GiveBIG 2024 Northshore Schools Foundation

GiveBIG is Washington State’s largest online fundraising campaign! It’s where individuals and organizations come together across Washington to invest in our communities, Tuesday May 7 – Wednesday May 8. It’s something GOOD!ย 

When you give, GOOD things happen in the Northshore community! It’s time to embrace that incredible feeling of generosity and come together to make a difference.ย 

Early Giving | Starts Tuesday April 23rdย 

Start and get that giving feeling on April 23rd!ย 

Why donate and give early? Help us: Give us a head start on our Backpacks and School Supply Drive! Be All In for Kids! So you don’t forget!ย ย 

Click here to GiveBIG to Northshore Schools Foundation.ย 

Celebrate and go BIG!

GiveBIG and NTA Week

Don’t forget: It’s National Teachers Appreciation Week May 5 – 10. Get that giving feeling!

The Power of Showing Upย 

There’s something truly special about showing up for others, whether it’s lending a helping hand to a family member, supporting a neighbor in need, or standing behind a local nonprofit that’s close to our hearts. It’s these acts of kindness and compassion that truly define our community.ย 

Donate Today, Make a Differenceย 

The power of GiveBIG grows exponentially when we share it with others. Spread the word to your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. Encourage them to join us in this incredible journey and feeling of GIVING! Be sure to share this post with them.ย 

Get that giving feeling and donate to GiveBIG today, click here!ย ย 

Keep up to date with the Northshore Schools Foundation. Sign up for our e-newsletter, here!ย 

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