It’s back to school week for Northshore and I wanted to send a personal note to let you know that even in unprecedented, unpredictable times, we are still here. No matter where our students are learning, we at the Foundation are energized, eager to connect with you, and ready to help.
As the school year gets underway, I want to be sure that you know who we are, what we do, and how to reach us.
For the past 25 years, we’ve been honored and humbled to work with parents, businesses, teachers, and students to help make this district a place where each student can stretch, engage, and dive into deep learning.
We are a lean team composed of 18 board members, one full time staff, and three part time staff. We also have three specialists to handle some of the details needed to maintain our commitment to do meaningful work in the most impeccable and transparent way. We work closely but operate separately from the Northshore School District. We are a non-profit, 510(c)3 organization funded entirely by donors and supporters. Our hundreds of Foundation donors fund classroom and district grants, skill-building programs for student success outside the classroom, and essential needs for students in crisis.
We’re also a fiscal sponsor for Northshore Music Partners, SAS, Northshore Networks, ArtSpring, and ATP, and other emergent projects ( most recently “Period Care”) which means we can accept donations on their behalf to fuel their good work.
Everything that we’ve done for the past 25 years has, thankfully, made us better prepared to meet this moment.
All of us have had to adapt to and make the best of these unexpected circumstances.
This spring, we learned quickly that our place in the community is as more than just a funder but also as a friend. And that working together to find grace in the chaos, build relationships with our neighbors, and to join in support of one another, goes a long way to making our Northshore community great.
Through this whole “adventure” you have heard us say: We are here. We are listening. We are learning and when appropriate, we are responding with relevant support for students across the district as nimbly and rapidly as we possibly can.
With your help, we have distributed more than 1,300 school supply kits, 12,600 books, and 687 grocery gift cards to families in sudden financial need. More than 80 families received child care scholarships this spring.
As the school year commences, and we continue together through the public health emergency, what we do may change, but our commitment to stand alongside you to support student learning is a constant.
So please know that whether you need help or can give help, we will work to connect you.
If your family is in need of school supplies, books or other assistance, please visit https://www.northshoreschoolsfoundation.org/northshore-student-resources-fall-2020/ or get in touch with myself or Heather Erickson, our Removing Barriers Coordinator.
If you want to get involved, want to donate, or have other help to offer, please consider volunteering in a COVID-safe way, joining a committee, becoming an Ambassador for your school, or setting up a monthly donation. Learn more at our website to get started, or email me if you have specific questions.
I was hoping to be able to announce our new website today, or share with you our 2019/20 annual report, but alas, those projects are going more slowly than planned given all of our other recent activities. I can’t wait to share them with you when they’re complete so you can see the awesome work that is happening through the Foundation.
Finally, a personal note: this is my 10th anniversary as executive director of this Foundation. I can hardly believe it! Time flies in this big, rapidly-changing district with generous people who care so deeply about public education. While I honestly couldn’t have guessed a decade ago where we would be today, I’ve never been more proud of the work we do together. We’re dreaming big about the future for Northshore students. I’ve never been more sure that together, we can continue to do so much more. I am excited and committed to partner with you to make that true.
Thank you for being Foundation supporters. Thank you for believing in our work and investing in us so we can grow and be ready for whatever 2020/21 has in store.
Have a great school year!
P.s. Let me know if you need assistance, want to get involved, or just want to say hello. I mean it when I say that we are truly here for YOU, so don’t hesitate to email or call.