NSD Educators are encouraged to request funds for their Classroom projects 

Do you have an innovative teaching idea, classroom need, or a great student experience you would like to create, if only you had funding? We’re here to help.

Need some assistance? Contact your school’s ambassador, or email us at Kim@nsdfoundation.org.

Apply for Funds

Teachers and Educators can request project funds through the FoundationGives.com platform which manages our online Grant Applications and our Crowdsourcing Campaign requests also referred to as NorthshoreGives.


Apply for a Grant when you want to request grant funding from the Foundation for any amount up to $1000 for elementary schools, and $2000 for secondary schools. Please contact us regarding requests for funds that exceed this limit.  Grants are decided within 3 weeks of the due date.

Grant Applications deadlines are:  August 30, October 30, December 30, February 28, April 30 and June 30.


The Crowdsourcing Campaign/Northshore Gives platform to engage crowdfunding for your project. Campaigns can run for 2-6 weeks. The Foundation may decide to provide funding to your project after the campaign has completed.

Campaigns are accepted year-round.


Step One
Register for your Grant application or NorthshoreGives account by visiting foundationgive.com/register

  • Choose your foundation by typing “Northshore Schools Foundation.”
  • Choose your school by typing in the name of your school. Note: you must type this in as the scroll-down menu does not work.
  • Fill in the rest of the boxes with your NSD information.
  • If you are a school volunteer, please register as a PTO member.
  • Click Register.


Step Two
Get Account Approval.

Once registered, your information is sent to the Foundation to verify that you are affiliated with the Northshore School District.  Once your account is approved, you’ll receive an email with instructions to access your account.


Step Three

Log In at FoundationGive.com


Step Four

Choose the type of support you would like:  Grant Application or Crowdsourcing Campaign.


Step Five
Complete your application

  Note: You can save your application and work on it later after you have put a number into the budget line.


For a Crowdsourcing campaign – 

Successful Campaigns run for 2-6 weeks and appeal to community members to help fund.  Once your campaign has ended, the Foundation may decide to provide funding to your project after the campaign has completed

  • To start a crowdsourcing campaign – Choose Campaign on the menu on the right, and then +New Campaign on the left.

Here’s the information you will need to prepare your campaign.

  • Title your campaign and choose a shorter version as the “slug”, which is the tag that creates the web address for your campaign.
  • Fill in the goal/need amount. 5% of the total will be added to cover credit card fees and administration of the grant.
  • Choose a campaign end date that is no longer than 4 weeks from the publish date. Foundation staff will update your campaign date to align with fundraising activities after your campaign has been approved.
  • For the timeline, or how long the campaign will last, select “Until provided end date/time”. This is true even if donations exceed the needed amount.
  • Summarize your need in an inspiring and succinct description. Ask your ambassador or Foundation staff for help if necessary.
  • Upload a compelling photo that supports your campaign request.

* Note you will be asked to send an update to donors using this platform within 2 weeks of receiving funds.


For a Grant Application

– Choose Grants on the menu on the right, and then +New Grant on the left.

Grant applications are currently limited to $1000 for elementary schools and $2000 for secondary schools.   (Please contact us regarding requests for funds that exceed this limit.)

Grant Applications deadlines are August 30, October 30, December 30, February 28, April 30, and June 30.  Your application will be decided on within 2 weeks of the due date.

Here’s the information you will need to prepare your Grant application.

  • Provide an overview of the project (Limit to 300 characters).
  • Fully describe the proposed project. What are you requesting funds for? When and where will this project take place? List and explain the numbers and roles of all participants (teacher/s, parents, students, community members, etc.) When will this project take place? (Limit to 400 words)
  • What sparked your interest to offer this project to your students? (Limit to 250 words)
  • Describe your due diligence in determining the best value for your funding request (Limit to 100 words).
  • How does your project align with the Mission, Vision and Values of the Northshore Schools Foundation?  (Limit to 250 words or less)
  • Describe how your project aligns with the Northshore School District’s Strategic Plan Goals? (Limit to 200 words)
  • How will students benefit?
  • How will you measure success as a result of this grant?


Step Six
Get Approval

Once submitted, your administrator will receive a request to approve, and then the Foundation will receive a request to approve. Once approved by both entities, your request will progress as follows:

  • Grant Applications will be submitted to the Northshore Schools Foundation Grant Committee and evaluated based on purpose, passion, best use of dollars, and writing clarity. Funding decisions will be made 2 weeks after the most current deadline.
  • Crowdsourcing/Northshore Gives campaigns will “go live” and be ready to collect donations. *


* Please promote your crowdsourcing campaign. Once your project is approved, it is approved by the district for you to share your campaign using school resources and social media, and your personal parent communication tools.  Consider asking your principal or PTA to promote in newsletters and sharing on social media with community groups that may be interested in supporting your campaign.  We are approved by the district to do so.   You can also log-in to your account regularly and provide updates to donors using the FoundationGive.com portal.  The Foundation will promote and publish your campaign as a NorthshoreGives campaign which is accessible through our website and some social media channels.


Step Seven
Receiving Funds

If funds are allotted, a check will be written to your school and routed via Intra-district mail to the person who submitted the grant. Please take funds directly to your office administrator for processing.



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