All In for Kids Event Cancelled

All In for Kids Event Cancelled

Good morning Foundation Supporters,

I can’t express to you how sad I am not to be celebrating our 17th Annual All In for Kids Event today.

Our All In For Kids events could not happen this year and ironically, this year’s event was going to be all about connection. When students are connected to school, they are more resilient and passionate learners. You were going to hear about the connections that the newly- revamped Art Docent program is forging across the district. I really wanted you to meet Diandre Sabale, a National Merit Scholar winner from Bothell High School who has learned so much more than science as a part of Science Olympiad, and how his kindness changed the experience of dozens of competitors. We were going to be together in the same room, connecting to make our school community stronger.

Now, we are learning about connecting in different and powerful ways. 

We are banding together to help our neighbors and keep our community safe.  We are checking in on our friends and family members to help them stay safe during this pandemic.  We are “Zoom”ing, and using “Teams” and “Chat”.  We are spending time unplugged with our families doing puzzles and reading.

These are uncertain times, but one thing is certain: we are all in this together. The Northshore Schools Foundation is in this for the long haul.

Instead of hosting a virtual All In For Kids event, we have turned our attention to helping families in immediate need. We have received 62 requests, as of this moment, from schools across the district. Each family nominated is eligible for $200 grocery gift card. We expect to have gift cards in every one of those family’s hands by the end of the week.  We also expect the need to grow.

If you are a family in need, please contact your school’s administrator by email to get connected to Basic Needs Aid resources.

While we decided not to move forward with the All In for Kids Breakfast & Lunch, we remain ALL IN FOR KIDS.

The All In for Kids Breakfast and Lunch typically serves as the PRIMARY fundraiser for all the grants and funding that the Foundation provides every year.  Our goal was to raise $300,000 to be able to meet the needs of students and teachers when we return to the classroom.  Thanks to 65 donors and our generous sponsors, we are grateful that this event has raised $110,373.00 even without opening the doors.

We know that things are changing rapidly. If you aren’t in a position to give today, please know that our hearts and our community is with you. If you need assistance, please reach out to me personally so I can help you navigate the resources that may be available.

If you have the means and ability, please  consider making a gift to support students today in a way that is meaningful to you by directing your donation to the cause closest to your heart,

Donate to All In For Kids Event and we will consider it a  best use donation It will be used to ensure that we are ready to support our students and teachers when we return to the classroom.

Or direct your donation to the Basic Needs Aid fund to provide food for families who are struggling during this time, or a donation to our Community & District Crisis Response  Fund to help with the cost of childcare and other emerging needs in this situation.  

Again, I am so sorry we aren’t together today in person but grateful that you are part of this connected community. Thank you for being All In for Kids.

Sending love and appreciation,




P.S. Just in case you want a little Throwback Tuesday – here is a video of our breakfast last year: