Our community’s success depends on the success of our students. And today, supporting a student’s success means supporting academic, social, and emotional needs, as well as basic needs for physical well-being. While the pandemic continues to impact our society, we are challenged to draw on our creativity, flexibility, and strategic thinking – not to mention humility – to respond in the most effective ways to the most urgent student hardship.
As we learn what’s needed and what works, we adapt. Just a few examples:
We updated 14 school libraries to better reflect the student body.
Thirty-one schools received a total of $12,400 to replenish the most sought-after titles in their libraries.
Our bookmobile program delivered more than 20,000 books into the homes of children – to keep!
Contributions supplied 12 elementary school counselors with $500 each to set up their new offices at 21 different schools.
As the 20-21 school year began, we provided funding for books and the program trainer to support the Ethnic Studies program pilot.
When in-person learning resumed in April, we provided 222 backpacks and 300 supply kits when in-person learning resumed in April.
This school year, $86,011 was distributed to 333 families in need from the Foundation’s Opportunity Fund and $20,400 to 104 families in need from the Basic Needs Aid Fund. And 13 NSD staff members received a total of $6,622 from the Educator Crisis Fund.
Thirty-one teachers working to achieve their National Board Teacher Certification received scholarships for support.
Eighty-eight teachers received a total of $11,950.00 in scholarships to take part in a new University of Washington leadership academy this fall and winter.
We don’t do this work alone – we can’t. In close collaboration with teachers, staff, and leadership of the Northshore School District, the Foundation works with parents, local businesses, Northshore Rotary, Bothell Kenmore and Woodinville Chambers, and so many local partner groups to bolster our shared goals of championing student success.
Together, we updated school library offerings to better reflect the student body. Together, we ensured that students have greater access to information about social justice.
Together, we will continue in our work: to focus on removing barriers to learning, building skills for student success after high school, and offering larger and more numerous classroom and district-wide grants.
Without volunteers, financial benefactors, and the talented board and committee members who lend their expertise, the Foundation’s work is impossible. We’re abundantly grateful to the thousands of people in this Northshore community who care so very deeply about public education, and whose passion fuels our endeavors.
Your contributions matter! We have hundreds of stories about how your support has impacted Northshore students. Please read our impact report (below) to find out more. Here is the link if that is easier: https://www.flipsnack.com/NSdfoundation/2020-2021-northshore-schools-foundationannual-report.html
Thank you for your support and stay in touch,
Anthony Moran, Northshore Schools Foundation Board President